Monday, July 2, 2012

On My Mind - From Those Who Are Given Much...

...much is expected. 

Yesterday Lauren Luke, aka Panacea81, posted a YouTube video that kind of stayed with me for the remainder of the day.

Warning: The video is somewhat graphic in nature.  In a violent, not a sexual way.

There are two reasons why this video in particular got my attention.  One is the subject matter of domestic abuse.  The other reason had to do with YouTube makeup tutorials and the creators of said videos. 

About two weeks ago, there were some heated exchanges between some of these so-called "gurus" because one thought that his/her intellectual or creative property was being copied by other makeup artists etc... 
Drama ensued, accusations flew, it was dumb.  Really 

Lauren Luke is essentially, the very first YouTube make-up guru.  She made the original videos to demontrate for her customers how to use the makeup she was selling online as a side business.   It took off from there. 

From what I see on her videos, she seems to be a normal, grounded person. 

Okay, so where am I going with this? 

There are many things you can do with the kind of publicity you get from making YouTube videos.  The fact that she chooses to lend her channel and image, not to mention pushing the envelope to make the point, to aid the victims of domestic abuse says much for her character and all of it is good.

That is all.  Thanks for reading.

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